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Where Do Vegans Get Their Protein? Why a Plant-Based Diet is Sufficient for Our Protein Needs

If vegans were to make a list of questions they get asked the most, the number one question is most likely going to be: Where do you get your protein?

This is no surprise – the very idea of a balanced meal in our society is built upon the scheme that includes ‘a lean protein, a healthy carbohydrate, and a vegetable’ on every plate.

No one’s going to argue that balance is good, but it happens that when someone chooses to eliminate the most often cited source of ‘lean protein’ (read: meat) from their diet, they are automatically considered to be headed for the abyss of protein deficiency.

Yet so often those people go on to thrive, get healthier, and show no signs of a nutritional disaster in progress.

Where do vegans get their protein meme
(Photo credit: Pinterest)

So who’s right and who’s wrong, and how is it possible that vegans might be getting enough protein without consuming animal products?

A disclaimer before we proceed: I am not a doctor or a scientist. The material in this post is for informational purposes only. Please consult with your healthcare provider before making changes in your lifestyle.

What is Protein?

It’s important to bring a proper explanation of what protein is, and why it is important for our bodies.

In short, proteins are nutrients made up of amino acid chains, which are important for the structure, function, and regulation of every cell in our bodies.

Amino acids work as the ‘building blocks’ for every cell. Science distinguishes 20 amino acids, eight of which (“essential amino acids”) we can’t generate in our bodies and thus need to obtain with food.

Each amino acid is composed from various combinations of carbon, oxygen, hydrogen, and nitrogen (two of the known amino acids also contain sulfur).

Originally, amino acids are produced by plants during a complicated process of photosynthesis.

The plant receives carbon and oxygen from air, hydrogen from the water in soil, and combines them with nitrogen also obtained from soil. Amino acids then arrange themselves into innumerable chains of various proteins, kind of like letters of the alphabet make up countless numbers of words in any language.

When animals consume plants, those chains of plant proteins are broken down in their bodies into separate amino acids that get arranged into new protein chains, depending on what type of protein that animal needs at the moment.

You heard that right – the building blocks of all animal bodies originally came from plants, and if we choose to eat animals, we essentially just get the recycled plant proteins from their meat.

To supply ourselves with protein, we can easily resort to the original source of its origin – the plants.

What about ‘Complete Protein’?

Here’s when the opponents of plant-based diets bring up the idea of ‘complete protein’: only proteins that come from animal-derived foods contain all of the eight essential amino acids that we need for proper functioning.

Plant proteins often miss one or more of those, but we can still find all of the essential amino acids between different plants.

For example, rice and beans is a great nutritional combo when it comes to protein: beans are low in methionine and high in lysine, while rice is low in lysine and high in methionine. When put together, they supply 7 grams of high-quality, complete protein per cup.

In 1971, Frances Moore Lappé in her famous book Diet for a Small Planet brought up the idea of the necessity of ‘protein combining’ for vegetarians.

She suggested that the plant-based folk should eat different sources of plant protein at the same meal to match the amino acid pattern of animal foods.

However, in later editions of her book Lappé admitted that she was wrong in her idea of protein combining.

Scientific evidence suggests that our bodies can ‘do the math’ on their own, and as long as we provide ourselves with a variety of plant foods every day that meet our caloric needs, we are most likely to get all of the amino acids our bodies need.

Lappé admitted:

“In 1971 I stressed protein complementarity because I assumed that the only way to get enough protein … was to create a protein as usable by the body as animal protein. In combating the myth that meat is the only way to get high-quality protein, I reinforced another myth. I gave the impression that in order to get enough protein without meat, considerable care was needed in choosing foods. Actually, it is much easier than I thought.” (Source)

Unfortunately, the myth of plant protein being inferior to animal protein still lives today, even though it’s been disproved long ago. The rise of the popularity of high-protein diets in the recent years brings up another question:

How Much Protein Do We Need?

Our protein needs are determined by the amount of protein our bodies require for proper functioning and growth.

World Health Organization recommends that grown men and women receive between 5 and 10% of their calories from protein.

If you believe that these numbers are too small, consider this: hundreds of millions of healthy, hard-working people in Asia, Africa, and South America live on diets with less than half the amount of protein consumed by Americans and Europeans.

In fact, a lot of great nations around the world historically thrived on plant-based staple foods:

  • Latin America: beans + corn tortillas/rice;
  • Middle East: pita + hummus/falafel; or bulgur wheat + chickpeas;
  • Asia: soy + rice/barley/millet.

Isn’t it amazing that long before proteins or amino acids were discovered, people were already getting plenty of them through plant-based foods?

Another point. No one would argue that human breast milk is the best food for human infants, especially in the first year of their lives. Interestingly, human milk contains only 5% protein by volume.

Never again in our lifetime will we grow as rapidly as in the first year of our lives. Think about it: an average human infant triples their weight in their first year while (ideally) consuming only breast milk!

(Okay, after 6 months of age babies need to start eating additional foods but that’s beside the point. Here’s what my vegan from birth daughter was eating at that age.)

By comparison, regular store-bought egg-free pasta contains 5% protein by volume. So technically we could eat nothing but plain pasta and still get all the protein we need – even if we don’t aim to triple our weight in a year 🙂

Add some beans, tofu or seitan to your pasta, and you’ll be getting even more protein than you need.

But What About All of the Starving Children in third-world countries?

We’ve all seen pictures of stick-thin children with swollen bellies from famine-battling areas of Africa and Asia. However, these children are suffering from overall calorie (not protein) deficiency due to the tough situations in agriculture or food distribution (source).

It is known from the experience that once these children come into medical supervision, they regain full health from the nourishment of the traditional diet of their region.

Malnourished children require extra protein in their diet, yet staple plant foods like corn, wheat, rice, beans supply more than enough for their full recovery.

In fact, the true condition of protein deficiency (called ‘kwashiorkor’, from coastal Ghana language: ‘the sickness the baby gets when the new baby comes’) is rare.

National Institute of Health (NIH) recommends consuming a diet with at least 12% protein to prevent this disease (source). This amount is easily obtained through a plant-based diet, considering the protein content of these common plant foods:

  • Cooked soybeans (1 cup) – 29 grams
  • Cooked lentils (1 cup) – 18 grams
  • Cooked chickpeas (1 cup) – 15 grams
  • Cooked quinoa (1 cup) – 8 grams
  • Peanut butter (2 tbsp) – 8 grams
  • Cooked spinach (1 cup) – 5 grams.

So Where Do Vegans Get Their Protein?

From plant foods, of course!

Whole food, plant-based vegan diets easily meet established recommendations for protein, as long as they contain various sources of vegetables, fruits, grains, starches, beans and legumes, and provide plenty of calories.

There is no need for ‘protein combining’ with every meal because out body pulls necessary amino acids whenever it needs them from the food we consume every day.

Don’t be afraid of getting protein deficient on a plant-based diet as long as you consume plenty of calories every day!

To see an extended list from the Vegetarian Resource group, click here.

To see even more protein-rich plant foods and recipes that use them, click here.

References and sources used in this post:

John McDougall, ‘When Friends Ask: Where Do You Get Your Protein?’

Jeff Novick, “Complementary Protein Myth Won’t Go Away!’

Frances Moore Lappé, Diet For a Small Planet

Rip Esselstyn, My Beef with Meat

Nick English, ’12 Complete Proteins Vegetarians Need to Know About’

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Alina Zavatsky - Vegan Runner Eats
Alina Zavatsky is a vegan of 11+ years, a passionate blogger, a YouTuber, and a mom. She helps new vegans and their families navigate a vegan diet and lifestyle in a sustainable and enjoyable way. This fall, she will be releasing a new vegan meal planning app designed to make following a vegan diet a breeze for everyone.


Tuesday 3rd of January 2023

When people ask me "where do you get your protein?", I tell them "The same place that cows get their protein ... Plants!"

Alina Zavatsky - Vegan Runner Eats

Thursday 5th of January 2023

So true!

Ashton Murray

Thursday 11th of August 2022

Thanks for this Alina! People assume that being vegan means that you are protein deficient! That is so untrue. There are so many sources of proteins and not just in meat!

Alina Zavatsky - Vegan Runner Eats

Friday 12th of August 2022

Thanks Ashton!


Thursday 3rd of September 2020

Hi, I'm a newbie vegan. I have a question. While I totally agree with everything you say about not needing to combine proteins etc in terms of the myth but I was wondering would it still be worthwhile considering how you pair your foods? That way you know for sure? Much appreciated, Scott

Alina Zavatsky - Vegan Runner Eats

Thursday 3rd of September 2020

Hi Scott, great question! While I'm not a nutritionist or a dietitian, I'd say that if doing so gives you a peace of mind or if you enjoy the process, then surely go for it. It's not necessary though. Dr. Michael Greger has a great article about protein combining at mealtime in which he writes, "Our body maintains pools of free amino acids that can be used to do all of the complementing for us, not to mention our body’s massive protein recycling program. Some 90 grams of protein are dumped into the digestive tract every day from our own body to get broken back down and reassembled, so our body can mix and match amino acids to whatever proportions we need, regardless of what we eat." (See the full version of this article here.) Hope this is helpful!

Alicia Tronson

Tuesday 27th of September 2016

My daughter is vegan going on two years. She is dedicated to learning all about clean,healthy eating. She found your blog and sent me this enlightening article. She loves having a community of people like yourself that keep her motivated. I won't ask her any more about where she gets her protein! Thanks for doing what you do!


Tuesday 27th of September 2016

Thank you so much, Alicia! Glad to hear that my article made a difference for you and your daughter!

Alton Slater

Tuesday 1st of September 2015

All those protein sources you mentioned did not work for me. I eat super dense tofu three times per day and at almost 79 I can workout at 24 hour fitness and will attempt the Waikiki Rough water race this coming Sunday. I did not give up after failing for 35 years until I found a vegan solution for my slim body type.


Tuesday 1st of September 2015

Great to hear about your athletic abilities, Alton! We're all different when it comes to the foods that work or don't work for us, so it's nice that you've found a way to supply your protein needs.