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33 Vegan Mother’s Day Brunch Recipes

When it comes to my perfect vegan Mother’s Day brunch, I envision a beautiful table spread set up in a lovely orchard under the blooming cherry trees. The table will be set with delicious and light vegan dishes, appetizers to desserts. Fresh cut flowers arranged in beautiful bouquets will complete the picture.

But if I come back to the not-so-idyllic real life, I’ll honestly settle for any vegan Mother’s day brunch scenario that wouldn’t end in me washing the dishes afterwards 🙂

As Mother’s Day approaches again, I decided to put together a list of delicious and (mostly) light vegan dishes that luckily will fit both my perfect brunch scenario and the one that I’m more likely to have in real life.

25 vegan Mother's Day brunch recipe ideas

Image credits (from top left, all linked below):,,,,,

When I was selecting recipes for this list, I was looking for dishes that were vegan (obviously for a vegan blog), not overly processed, fairly easy to make, and capable of adding a beautiful color punch to our Mother’s Day brunch table.

I also wanted to make sure that our brunch guests wouldn’t leave the table feeling like they’ve just swallowed a brick. That’s why it was only logical to include veggie appetizers, sandwiches, salads, a few veggie-based pastas, and desserts made with fresh fruit and berries.

There’s a few of the more decadent recipes too, but even those tend to be on the lighter side.

So take a look at my recipe selection below, and please let me know which of these recipes you’d like to appear on your vegan Mother’s Day brunch table!

Please note that not all websites listed below are fully vegan, but all of the recipes on this list are vegan.

More vegan holiday recipe inspiration from the blog:

33 Best Vegan Mother's Day Brunch Recipes

These vegan Mother's Day brunch recipes will surely impress any mom, vegan or not. Whether you find yourself on the giving or the receiving end of a Mother's day celebration, take a note of this collection that includes plant-based appetizers, gorgeous salads, nutrition-packed sandwiches, veggie-based pastas, and delicious desserts made with fresh fruit (and even zucchini in a couple cases!)


Start your Mother's Day brunch by serving these delicious and wholesome appetizers.


Yummy vegan sandwiches that are perfect for a casual Mother's Day brunch.

Main Course

The "star of the show" of a perfect vegan Mother's Day brunch, these main course recipes will give you plenty of ideas for what to serve at your celebratory brunch.


Delicious vegan Mother's Day brunch desserts that every mother will love!

No matter where you find yourself at brunch time this Mother’s Day – in an enchanted garden under gorgeous blooming cherry trees or at your kitchen table with your household’s everyday clutter swept to the side – I hope you have yourself a wonderful time!

If you’ve enjoyed this post, share it with your friends on social media! And stick around for more awesomeness – subscribe to Vegan Runner Eats to receive the latest posts (I’ll send you a free copy of my vegan dinner recipe e-book as a thank you), or follow the blog on Facebook, Pinterest, and Instagram.

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Alina Zavatsky - Vegan Runner Eats
Alina Zavatsky is a vegan of 11+ years, a passionate blogger, a YouTuber, and a mom. She helps new vegans and their families navigate a vegan diet and lifestyle in a sustainable and enjoyable way. This fall, she will be releasing a new vegan meal planning app designed to make following a vegan diet a breeze for everyone.

Eilidh Horder

Saturday 20th of April 2019

Thank you so much for so many ideas to try. These have come at just the right time as I was feeling completely out of inspiration. I actually can't wait to get into the kitchen again now (Mother's Day or not!)!

Alina Zavatsky - Vegan Runner Eats

Saturday 20th of April 2019

So glad to hear that you like this list, Eilidh! Hope you have a great Mother's Day!

Lisa Viger is Planted365

Thursday 18th of April 2019

Beautifully done, Alina!

Alina Zavatsky - Vegan Runner Eats

Thursday 18th of April 2019

Thank you Lisa!